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Feb 16, 2020
How is Your Heart?
Title: How is Your Heart? Text: Luke 8:4-15 Series: Following Jesus Preacher: Scott Owen Listen: Watch: #SundayAM #FollowingJesus #ScottOwen
Feb 9, 2020
Living in Fear or Living in Faith
Title: Living in Fear or Living in Faith Text: Exodus 14 Series: Guest Speakers Preacher: Dave Callison Listen: Watch: #SundayAM...
Feb 2, 2020
His First Followers
Title: His First Followers Text: John 1:35-51 Series: Following Jesus Preacher: Scott Owen Listen: Watch: #SundayAM #FollowingJesus...
Jan 26, 2020
Wanted: True Worshippers
Title: Wanted: True Worshippers Text: John 4:1-42 Series: Following Jesus Preacher: Pastor Kyle Noll Listen: Watch: #SundayAM...
Jan 12, 2020
The Beginning of the Gospel
Title: The Beginning of the Gospel Text: Mark 1:1-13 Series: Following Jesus Preacher: Zach Dietrich Listen: Watch: #SundayAM...
Jan 5, 2020
What's Your Vision in 2020?
Title: What's Your Vision in 2020? Text: Luke 2:39-52 Series: Following Jesus Preacher: Scott Owen Listen: Watch: #SundayAM...
Dec 29, 2019
O, Come Let Us Adore Him
Title: O, Come Let Us Adore Him Text: Matthew 2 Series: Following Jesus at Christmas Preacher: Pastor Matt Reno Listen: Watch: #SundayAM...
Dec 22, 2019
For Unto Us a Son is Given
Title: For Unto Us a Son is Given Text: Matthew 1; Luke 2 Series: Following Jesus at Christmas Preacher: Pastor Matt Reno Listen: Watch:...
Dec 15, 2019
Sing, All Ye Citizens of Heaven Above
Title: Sing, All Ye Citizens of Heaven Above Text: Luke 1:26-38; 46-56 Series: Following Jesus at Christmas Preacher: Pastor Matt Reno...
Dec 8, 2019
Prepare Him Room
Title: Prepare Him Room Text: Luke 1:5-25; 57-80 Series: Following Jesus at Christmas Preacher: Pastor Matt Reno Listen: Watch: #SundayAM...
Dec 1, 2019
Veiled in Flesh
Title: Veiled in Flesh Text: John 1:1-18 Series: Following Jesus at Christmas Preacher: Pastor Kyle Noll Listen: Watch: #PastorKyleNoll...
Nov 24, 2019
What Does Jesus Do For You When You Struggle?
Title: What Does Jesus Do For You When You Struggle? Text: John 20:19-29 Series: Guest Speakers Preacher: Dr. Wayne Vanderweir Listen:...
Nov 17, 2019
The Lord's Faithfulness
Title: The Lord's Faithfulness Text: Daniel 9 Series: Looking Ahead Preacher: Dr. Tim Little Listen: Watch: #SundayAM #GuestSpeakers...
Nov 10, 2019
The Kingdoms of Earth
Title: The Kingdoms of Earth Text: Daniel 7 Series: Looking Ahead Preacher: Dr. Tim Little Listen: Watch: #SundayAM #GuestSpeakers...
Nov 3, 2019
The Righteous Judgment of God
Title: The Righteous Judgment of God Text: Isaiah 59 Series: Looking Ahead Preacher: Dr. Tim Little Listen: Watch: #SundayAM #Isaiah...
Oct 20, 2019
The King of Earthly Kings
Title: The King of Earthly Kings Text: Isaiah 14 Series: Looking Ahead Preacher: Dr. Tim Little Listen: Watch: #SundayAM #Isaiah...
Oct 13, 2019
The Anger of the Lord
Title: The Anger of the Lord Text: Isaiah 13 Series: Looking Ahead Preacher: Dr. Tim Little Listen: Watch: #SundayAM #Isaiah...
Oct 6, 2019
Overwhelmed, Overtake, & Overcome
Title: Overwhelmed, Overtake, & Overcome Text: 2 Corinthians 2:12-17 Series: 2 Corinthians | Not Ourselves Preacher: Pastor Kyle Noll...
Sep 29, 2019
High Expectations & Free Grace
Title: High Expectations & Free Grace Text: 2 Corinthians 1:23-2:11 Series: 2 Corinthians | Not Ourselves Preacher: Pastor Kyle Noll...
Sep 22, 2019
Lean On Me
Title: Lean On Me Text: 2 Corinthians 1:8-11 Series: 2 Corinthians | Not Ourselves Preacher: Pastor Kyle Noll Listen: Watch:...
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