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Nov 7, 2021
Blest Be the Tie that Binds
Title: Blest Be the Tie that Binds Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:5 Series: Living, Waiting, and Enduring for Jesus Preacher: Pastor Zach...

Oct 31, 2021
"The Word Did it All" - Martin Luther
Title: "The Word Did it All" - Martin Luther Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16 Series: Living, Waiting, and Enduring for Jesus Preacher:...

Oct 24, 2021
Like A Caring Father: A Pastoral Picture
Title: Like A Caring Father: A Pastoral Picture Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:9-12 Series: Living, Waiting, and Enduring for Jesus Preacher:...

Oct 17, 2021
Measuring Our Motives
Title: Measuring Our Motives Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Series: Living, Waiting, and Enduring for Jesus Preacher: Pastor Zach Fischer...

Oct 10, 2021
A Spiritual Health Exam
Title: A Spiritual Health Exam Text: 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 Series: Living, Waiting, and Enduring for Jesus Preacher: Pastor Zach Fischer...

Oct 3, 2021
Closed Doors, Close Calls, and Cherished Memories
Title: Closed Doors, Close Calls, and Cherished Memories Text: Acts 16:6-10; Acts 17:1-10; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5 Series: Living, Waiting,...

Sep 26, 2021
No Condemnation: What Comes Next?
Title: No Condemnation: What Comes Next? Text: Romans 8:12-17 Series: Sundry Sermons Preacher: Pastor Matt Reno Listen: Watch whole...

Sep 19, 2021
No Condemnation
Title: No Condemnation Text: Romans 8:1-4 Series: Sundry Sermons Preacher: Pastor Zach Fischer Listen: Watch whole service: (sermon...

Sep 12, 2021
Direct Your Heart to Praise
Title: Direct Your Heart to Praise Text: Psalm 111 Series: Sundry Sermons Preacher: Pastor Matt Reno Listen: Watch whole service: (sermon...

Sep 5, 2021
The Final Message
Title: The Final Message Text: Malachi Series: The Book of the Twelve Preacher: Pastor Zach Fischer Listen: Watch whole service: (sermon...

Aug 29, 2021
The Great Unveiling
Title: The Great Unveiling Text: Zechariah Series: The Book of the Twelve Preacher: Pastor Zach Fischer Listen: Watch whole service:...

Aug 22, 2021
Messages to Stir the Heart
Title: Messages to Stir the Heart Text: Haggai Series: The Book of the Twelve Preacher: Pastor Zach Fischer Listen: Watch whole service:...

Aug 15, 2021
The Great Escape
Title: The Great Escape Text: Zephaniah Series: The Book of the Twelve Preacher: Pastor Zach Fischer Listen: Watch whole service: (sermon...

Aug 8, 2021
What in the World is Going On?
Title: What in the World is Going On? Text: Habakkuk Series: The Book of the Twelve Preacher: Pastor Zach Fischer Listen: Watch whole...

Aug 1, 2021
Great Enemy, GREATER God
Title: Great Enemy, GREATER God Text: Nahum Series: The Book of the Twelve Preacher: Pastor Zach Fischer Listen: Watch whole service:...

Jul 25, 2021
Who is Like the Lord Our God?
Title: Who is Like the Lord Our God? Text: Micah Series: The Book of the Twelve Preacher: Pastor Zach Fischer Listen: Watch whole...

Jul 18, 2021
God in Pursuit
Title: God in Pursuit Text: Jonah Series: The Book of the Twelve Preacher: Pastor Zach Fischer Listen: Watch whole service: (sermon...

Jul 11, 2021
Naming God's Enemies
Title: Naming God's Enemies Text: Obadiah Series: The Book of the Twelve Preacher: Pastor Zach Fischer Listen: Watch whole service:...

Jul 4, 2021
Our Lives: Rivers of Righteousness
Title: Our Lives: Rivers of Righteousness Text: Amos Series: The Book of the Twelve Preacher: Pastor Zach Fischer Listen: Watch whole...

Jun 27, 2021
Fact Check: God's Judgment
Title: Fact Check: God's Judgment Text: Joel Series: The Book of the Twelve Preacher: Pastor Zach Fischer Listen: Watch whole service:...
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