We have been praying a lot for all of you this week, and we hope you are adjusting well to all of the various effects of the Covid-19 spread and quarantine.
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!” Psalm 122:1
We understand that the church is not a building, the church is people! And we don't have to be in our building to be a church, but we will be missing the people getting together. Sunday will be different for us. We want to share with you an update from Pastor Scott as well as details for Sunday's service and online giving.
Update from Pastor Scott
Sunday Services Online
This Sunday (and the next 3 Sundays, as of now) we will be broadcasting a modified worship service online.
We have mentioned doing a livestream service, but as we are putting things together, we have been able to pre-record a significant amount of music and Pastor Scott's sermon. It won't exactly be live but it will be ready for you to watch Sunday morning at 10:30.
You can watch it on our website at https://www.calvarymp.org/live. This is via Youtube, and you can watch it directly from our Youtube channel.
Attached is the bulletin, sermon notes, and prayer guide for this Sunday. You will be able to see the songs we are singing and print the sermon notes if you like. We don't have a News & Notes this week, as everything we need to share with you is related to Covid & quarantine, and you are getting these many extra updates. We encourage you to keep praying for each other, and during our service Sunday, we will have a time of prayer and the opportunity to share prayer requests live.
Remember that sermons are still broadcast every Sunday morning on 105.5 KILJ, too (these aren't live-- they are 4-6 weeks after being preached).
Online Giving
We are thankful for you continuing to faithfully give to CBC even while we are not able to meet. If you would like to take advantage of modern conveniences in this time of quarantine, we now have online giving available. This is something we have been working towards as a church for several months, and now is just the perfect time to see how it will be of use to us.
We want to assure you that we are confident in this service being simple and secure for you to use. We will use a platform that is used by over 50,000 churches and some of the world's largest corporations and non-profit organizations. It will utilize a system we use in our church already, Planning Center, to keep track of all giving records for our Financial Secretary, and transactions will be processed by global processor Stripe.
If you are interested in giving online, you have a couple different options:
Website or App
You can visit our website at calvarymp.org/online-giving. You can securely complete your giving there using a secure form.
You can also download the app Church Center (iOS, Android). You can similarly complete your giving there.
1x or Recurring
You can visit the website or use the app each time you want to give or
You can set up recurring transactions
Credit Card or ACH Bank
You can enter your Credit Card/Debit Card info or
You can enter your routing/account info directly from your bank
Watch this short instructional video.
Please note that this is a helpful way for you to give, especially if you are more tech-inclined and less likely to use a checkbook. That said, it is something that requires a fee for every transaction. We are using a service someone else provides, and we owe them a small amount for it. Two things you can consider doing:
You can opt for ACH Bank transfers-- this is a significantly lower fee than credit/debit
You can opt to cover the fee yourself when you give. We understand that you may not be able to do this, and we are thankful if you do or if you don't.
You also can continue to give in non-digital/non-online means, if you are more comfortable with that. You can mail your check to the church, or stop in the office to drop it in the dropbox.