In this update:
Sunday Service
Happy Easter!
This will certainly be a different Easter. We will miss our normal Good Friday service with Communion. We will miss our Sunrise Service and Easter breakfast with the church family. And we will miss the buzz in the foyer and auditorium, getting ready to sing the great songs of the resurrection together, and to rejoice in the finished work of Christ proclaimed from the Word.
We will miss those things, and others, but we are confident that even if we have nothing else, we do have Christ crucified and risen! And we look forwarding to celebrating that with you Sunday, online at 10:30.
In addition to the Sunday Service Online, there will also be an Easter video for Kids. Kevin & Julie Dameron (and kids) have prepared a kids lesson with a food craft that you can copy, and this will premier on Sunday at 10:00 at calvarymp.org/live and on YouTube.
We had planned to have a Drive-Thru Photobooth this Sunday, to try to capture some kind of memories of this day in the midst of a quarantine. But it looks pretty certain that rain will be here for most of Easter Sunday, so we will not plan to have that.
We have heard of more needs for masks and have already seen individuals stepping up to meet those needs. This is a very encouraging example of the Body of Christ showing love inside and outside.
Henry County Health Center and Great River Medical Center are both accepting donations:
HCHC: Olson Pattern
GRMC: Olson or pleated pattern
If you can tackle these, go for it!
If you need help with the patterns, or other sewing questions, contact Mary Blosser or Nyla Craig!
If you need material, or have material you can share, contact the office!

You may have seen some examples of people in our church sharing personal testimonies online this week. We have been sharing our weekly sermons online and the Gospel has been going out in new and different ways, and now it is your turn!
"The idea is simple. We want to mobilize Christians across the world to proclaim the good news of Jesus by testifying on social media to how he changed their life. We want people all over the world—quarantined in their homes and scrolling on their phones—to see a flood of stories about how the resurrected Jesus brings purpose and meaning and hope. Rather than each of us inviting one person to an Easter service, we could each proclaim the gospel to hundreds of non-Christian friends and co-workers and invite them to join our local churches with their online Easter services."
See this link for more information, or just go record a video, add #JesusChangedMyLife, tag the church, and post!