Royally-sponsored Reality CheckFeb 27, 2022Title: Royally-sponsored Reality Check Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17Series: Living, Waiting, and Enduring for JesusPreacher: Pastor Kyle Noll Listen: Watch whole service: (sermon begins 34:15) Download Bulletin #SundayAM #PastorKyleNoll #LivingWaitingEnduringforJesus
Title: Royally-sponsored Reality Check Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17Series: Living, Waiting, and Enduring for JesusPreacher: Pastor Kyle Noll Listen: Watch whole service: (sermon begins 34:15) Download Bulletin #SundayAM #PastorKyleNoll #LivingWaitingEnduringforJesus